Intelligent Indoor Climate

Smart Room App

Interact with your room! At Green Solution House we custom-built a mobile app to track resource consumption and easily control the indoor environment in our Smart Rooms. Energy, light, air and water are the four themes on which live feedback is provided to our guests, helping to inform behaviour by increasing awareness at a personal level. The app works both from an individual and collective perspective. Data from all energy resources is readily available, and therefore it becomes evident when low impact energy or heat is available for consumption. By correlating energy availability to day-to-day routine, the hotel room enables a subtle understanding of how our decisions influence the overall energy and resource profile for the site. When it comes to indoor comfort, the app helps our guests correlate their own experience in the hotel rooms to the quality of the air and daylight levels.

Who’s behind it: 
GXN Innovation, Autodesk Research, Strategic Innovation, Rambøll

Where you’ll find it: 
In the Smart Rooms.